Ash Of Gods: Redemption Deluxe
€ 25,49
€ 18,38
Ash of Gods: Redemption è un gioco di ruolo a turni che combina combattimento tattico, carte da gioco ed una storia in costante evoluzione dove nessuno è al sicuro dalla morte, inclusi i personaggi principali.
Ash of Gods narra la storia di tre protagonisti intenti a sventare una minaccia vecchia di secoli, ritenuta ormai solo un racconto. Il capitano Thorn Brenin, la guardia del corpo Lo Pheng, lo scriba Hopper Rouley e molti altri ancora non sanno che i Mietitori sono tornati e desiderano solo annegare il mondo nel sangue, così da risvegliare gli dei dormienti.
La trama di Ash of Gods si evolve costantemente in risposta alle scelte del giocatore, giungendo perfino alla morte. Ma la morte di un personaggio non segna la fine del gioco, infatti la storia proseguirà e nonostante la sua scomparsa le scelte fatte in passato avranno un’influenza sugli eventi futuri.
Il combattimento in Ash of Gods mescola l’uso di strategia a turni ed il gameplay dei giochi di carte collezionabili. Le tattiche individuali dipenderanno dalle abilità e dalle classi dei tuoi personaggi, ma potrai sbloccare ed accumulare carte dai grandi poteri, a volte perfino in grado di alterare il corso di un’intera battaglia.
Decisioni di Grande Impatto
Ogni decisione, sia fuori che dentro al campo di battaglia, ha la capacità di alterare il corso degli eventi ed il destino del tuo party con grandi conseguenze. Ma perfino la morte del tuo capogruppo non rappresenta la fine del tuo viaggio.
Nessun Tiro di Dado Casuale
Non ci sono tiri di dado che determinano la probabilità o la forza dei colpi. In Ash of Gods, i veri strateghi dovranno affinare le abilità delle varie classi e raccogliere il potere delle proprie carte, o pagarne le conseguenze.
IA Adattiva
L’Intelligenza Artificiale di Ash of Gods si adatta al tuo stile per assicurare un’esperienza di gioco impegnativa senza lasciare spazio a tattiche sporche o a team builds imbattibili.
PvP Multigiocatore
Sfida altri giocatori e competi per il tuo posto in classifica. Sblocca nuovi personaggi, miglioramenti e carte per personalizzare ulteriormente le tue tattiche.
Rendimento tramite Rischio
Spendi i tuoi HP per un ultimo attacco disperato. Affronta le battaglie con una squadra più piccola per ottenere carte migliori e round più brevi. Scegli una strada più breve e pericolosa per risparmiare risorse. Ash of Gods premia chi è disposto a correre dei rischi.
€ 25,49
Digital Deluxe version of Ash of Gods: Redemption includes the game and full content of Digital Art and Original Soundtrack DLCs:
60-pages art book with stunning hand-drawn concept art
Digital original soundtrack written by Adam Skorupa, a famous composer of The Witcher series
Digital comic book, 24 pages telling the story of Thorn Brenin long before the Reaping
Print-ready A2 digital poster
HD-quality map of Terminium in various languages
HD-quality desktop wallpapers
Ash of Gods: Redemption is a turn-based RPG that combines tactical combat, CCG elements, and a constantly evolving story in which no one is safe from death, including the main characters.
Ash of Gods is the story of three separate protagonists rising in response to a centuries-old menace once thought to be mere folklore. Captain Thorn Brenin, the bodyguard Lo Pheng, the scribe Hopper Rouley, and many others, do not yet know that the reapers have returned and intend to drown the world in blood so that they may awaken the sleeping gods.
Ash of Gods’ storyline is constantly evolving in response to players’ choices, sometimes even resulting in death. But, the death of a character is not game over. Instead, the story moves forward with the death of that character and previous choices continuing to impact future events.
Combat in Ash of Gods is a blend of both traditional turn-based strategy and CCG gameplay. While individual tactics will depend upon the skills and classes of your characters, you will unlock and accumulate cards that have the power to unleash powerful abilities, sometimes altering the course of an entire battle.
Decisions with Major Impacts
Every decision, whether on or off the battlefield, has the capacity to alter the course of events and the fate of your party with major repercussions. But, even the death of your leader is not the end of your journey.
No Random Dice Rolls
There are no dice throws to determine chance-to-hit or the force of a blow. In Ash of Gods, true tacticians must master the skills of their classes and harness the powers granted by their limited supplies of cards, or suffer the consequences.
AI that Adapts to You
Ash of Gods’ AI adapts to your style of play to ensure a consistently challenging experience with no room for cheap tactics or invincible team builds.
PvP Multiplayer
Challenge other players and compete for a spot on the leaderboards. Unlock new characters, upgrades, and cards to customize your tactics even further.
Rewards for Risk
Expend your own HP for a last-ditch attack. Go into battle with a smaller team to get better cards and quicker rounds. Take the shorter, but more dangerous route to save on resources. Ash of Gods rewards those willing to take the risks.
Digital Deluxe version of Ash of Gods: Redemption includes the game and full content of Digital Art and Original Soundtrack DLCs:
60-pages art book with stunning hand-drawn concept art
Digital original soundtrack written by Adam Skorupa, a famous composer of The Witcher series
Digital comic book, 24 pages telling the story of Thorn Brenin long before the Reaping
Print-ready A2 digital poster
HD-quality map of Terminium in various languages
HD-quality desktop wallpapers
Ash of Gods: Redemption is a turn-based RPG that combines tactical combat, CCG elements, and a constantly evolving story in which no one is safe from death, including the main characters.
Ash of Gods is the story of three separate protagonists rising in response to a centuries-old menace once thought to be mere folklore. Captain Thorn Brenin, the bodyguard Lo Pheng, the scribe Hopper Rouley, and many others, do not yet know that the reapers have returned and intend to drown the world in blood so that they may awaken the sleeping gods.
Ash of Gods’ storyline is constantly evolving in response to players’ choices, sometimes even resulting in death. But, the death of a character is not game over. Instead, the story moves forward with the death of that character and previous choices continuing to impact future events.
Combat in Ash of Gods is a blend of both traditional turn-based strategy and CCG gameplay. While individual tactics will depend upon the skills and classes of your characters, you will unlock and accumulate cards that have the power to unleash powerful abilities, sometimes altering the course of an entire battle.
Decisions with Major Impacts
Every decision, whether on or off the battlefield, has the capacity to alter the course of events and the fate of your party with major repercussions. But, even the death of your leader is not the end of your journey.
No Random Dice Rolls
There are no dice throws to determine chance-to-hit or the force of a blow. In Ash of Gods, true tacticians must master the skills of their classes and harness the powers granted by their limited supplies of cards, or suffer the consequences.
AI that Adapts to You
Ash of Gods’ AI adapts to your style of play to ensure a consistently challenging experience with no room for cheap tactics or invincible team builds.
PvP Multiplayer
Challenge other players and compete for a spot on the leaderboards. Unlock new characters, upgrades, and cards to customize your tactics even further.
Rewards for Risk
Expend your own HP for a last-ditch attack. Go into battle with a smaller team to get better cards and quicker rounds. Take the shorter, but more dangerous route to save on resources. Ash of Gods rewards those willing to take the risks.
- Windows
- OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia 9xxx / ATI 2xxx
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Storage: 5 GB available space
- Sound Card: DirectX9 Compatible
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